SensusAccess Conversion Tool

For important information about permissible use of this service, see “使用条款” below.


The 版权 law of the United States (Title 17, U.S. Code) 政府erns the making of photocopies or other reproductions of 版权ed material. The person using this service (the “end user”) is liable for any infringement. For more information about United States 版权 law, visit www.版权.政府.

This service is hosted by an external vendor, SensusAccess. Any information submitted will be processed by SensusAccess.

This service is provided only for personal, non-commercial instructional and educational use, and any other use is prohibited. Further distribution of the files received from SensusAccess is prohibited. This service is only available to individuals with an @spu.Edu邮箱地址.

Neither 西雅图 Pacific University nor SensusAccess will be held responsible for any information submitted that is disclosed and/or subsequently misused. The end user will be solely responsible for, and will indemnify the University from and against, all claims and legal and financial consequences if sensitive or confidential information is sent either intentionally or unintentionally to SensusAccess for processing. SensusAccess endeavors to provide accurate conversion results but neither the University nor SensusAccess can guarantee such results.

Please be aware that use of SensusAccess for processing 版权ed materials other than for the purposes described above may constitute 版权 infringement. The end user is responsible for complying with all applicable requirements of United States 版权 law in making use of this service. The end user is also solely responsible for, and will indemnify the University from and against, any claims in connection with end user's misuse of this service.